Aaron Beebe


Mixed media artist Aaron Beebe carries the practice of collage to new heights in his body of work that marries structure and disorganization. Images and colours combine in each of his pieces to become aesthetically pleasing compositions. Any symbology brought forth is not intentional but rather is an accidental collision on the page that may come to life nevertheless from the viewer’s perspective. Fascinated with typography, Beebe includes type elements in collages as a reference to broken communication, a facet of our modern world to which we all have become accustomed. This pairing of word and image makes Beebe’s work as thought-provoking as it is visually stimulating. 

A 20-year military veteran, Aaron Beebe is a design school drop-out and self-taught artist who has been featured in numerous art publications, including Recycled Trophies, his collage book developed in collaboration with Zach Collins and now part of MoMA’s permanent library. Beebe currently resides in Frederick, Maryland, in the United States and is available for commission upon request.


Portfolio: aaronbeebecollage.com

Instagram: @aaronbeebecollage