Jessica D Perez


Jessica D Perez is an international self-taught artist. She earned an International Baccalaureate Diploma with higher levels of Art at Frankfurt International School in Oberursel, Germany. After graduation, she taught herself painting, began selling her work and toured Europe to find inspiring sceneries.

She loves landscapes and chasing light. Capturing the landscape was only the start as Jessica also layered her paint to depict her perception of how colour works on canvas. Discovering natural elements, big or small, the paintings she produces are an attempt to recreate a moment or to expose the grand beauty of the natural world that may be overlooked. “There is beauty in the world, and you can find it everywhere, not just viewpoints designated by parks. Beauty is based on how we perceive what is around us, and so creating works from outside and focusing on what made that moment beautiful is what I paint.” Her art aims to capture a moment and give pause to viewers to reflect on their own experiences.

From Germany, she moved to Canada where she developed her skill set and became renowned for her attention to reflective details, landscapes and promoting and participating in the national competition, ‘Art Battle’. She has appeared on TV shows including ‘Anecdote’ to promote the arts and co-hosted a live event of an ‘Art Battle’ on Rogers TV. In Montreal, she held an exhibition of landscapes and painted two murals; “La Catrina” and “Le Maison St Paul” in the heart of the Old Town. Jessica currently resides in New Hampshire, USA but continues to exhibit and participate in the Ottawa art scene. 

In addition to her commercial work, Jessica is a commission artist who enjoys bringing a client’s idea to life and works on landscapes and portraits of people and pets. One of her favourite commissions was depicting a marriage proposal. Jessica enjoys painting with other artists. Her goal is to embrace larger-scale works, focusing on timeless landscape captures. She loves travelling and works ‘en plein air’ to bring experiences back to the studio for larger pieces. She desires to work with clients directly on interests close to their heart. 



Instagram: @jdperezart

Facebook: @loveofartdawn