Ampreh (Marion Perez )


Ampreh learned to read by studying comics. When her skills had developed enough to draw something other than cats and hearts, she began drawing her comic book series in personal notebooks. After years of training, she showed her artwork to the director of a renowned comic and illustration school. He was immediately impressed and enrolled her at the school. Three years later, she graduated!

Her two main interests in life are drawing and video games. She describes them as essential to her life, ‘’like two lungs’’. Ampreh is particularly inspired by the fantasy genre, which is a common theme throughout her drawings.

Today, Ampreh sells her artwork to individuals, attends conventions and organises drawing contests. She is also the founder of a support group and roleplaying games. She was recently published in editions BDA2, where she illustrated the La Fontaine Fables series. From painting to pixel art through to small animation, she is interested in art in all its forms. 



Instagram: @ampreh

Facebook: @ampreh