Nanne Meulendijks


Visual storyteller Nanne Meulendijks delivers a humorous yet critical commentary on current events in her delightfully engaging illustrations. Her work, which typically employs a playful palette and features figures echoing mid-century character design, seems light-hearted at first glance; however, the depth of her message slowly reveals itself as one continues to observe. From the #metoo movement to the overwhelming power of social media, Meulendijks tackles some of today’s most scrutinised topics in an incredibly palatable way.

Meulendijks holds a BA degree in Illustration and an M.Ed. in Arts Education. Today, she teaches Illustration/Animation at the St. Joost School of Fine Art & Design (AKV|St. Joost). She has enjoyed more than a decade of experience developing concepts and illustrations for clients across industries. For example, she has worked together with well-known Dutch literary writers and created illustrations for magazines, children’s books, newspapers, festivals, and museums. Clients include Trouw, De Volkskrant, NRC Handelsblad, Het Parool, De Telegraaf, Het Onderwijsblad, Matchboox, Uitgeverij Podium, Uitgeverij Lannoo, Uitgeverij Davidsfonds, ThiemeMeulenhoff, Maarten Baas, and Het Nederlands Steendrukmuseum.



Instagram: @nanne.meulendijks
