Ester Mallart


Painter Ester Mallart takes her artistic inspiration from a myriad of sources, from the elemental geometry and form of nature or the rich symbology of global symbolism. Mallart’s art is governed by her warm palette and the ultimate freedom she brings to the creative process. 

Mallart often describes her art as its own garden or forest, thus likening it to a space that requires artful navigation. Using intuition as her guide, Mallart allows each work to evolve as she is creating them, emerging from the “forest” reinvigorated to start anew on the next composition. Mallart currently works and resides in Barcelona, Spain, where she continues to develop her skill set to offer dynamic and compelling creative solutions for her clients. In addition to painting, she also offers coaching services for those who wish to reconnect with their inner artistic inspiration or simply want new insights into their practice. Mallart is available for commission upon request. 



Instagram: @estermallart

Facebook: Ester Mallart

Twitter: @estermallart