Stacy Russo


Stacy Russo is a collage artist, writer, and poet who is committed to creating art and books for a more peaceful world. Her work celebrates the power of everyday magic and aligns with a daily practice she calls “Love Activism.” Born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Stacy has lived in California for most of her life. Her early experiences with art involved creating political zines in the 1980s Southern California punk rock scene – a time infused with do-it-yourself ethics, experimentation, and self-expression. She believes we all have the power to create, regardless of our age, perceived abilities, or formal training. As a vegan, Stacy uses art materials that are free of animal ingredients. With degrees in literature and library science, she serves as a librarian and associate professor at Santa Ana College. Stacy is a self-taught artist. In 2019 she celebrated her first two solo exhibitions and was selected for a Collage Artists of America juried show.



Instagram: @loveactivism